About Us
"Our experience and qualifications will get you here
but the relationships will keep you coming back"
The Roth Law Firm has been built on longstanding relationships based on trust, dependability and dedication to achieving the client’s goals.
The resulting success of our firm’s unique design and narrow focus is evident on both sides of the bar. On the plaintiff’s side, our attorneys have garnered over $2.5 billion in judgments and settlements. For the defense, our attorneys have consistently streamlined litigation to ensure efficient, effective representation resulting in better settlements and defense verdicts.
Our attorneys are experienced, knowledgeable and have a passion for the law. Our staff is diverse and caters to the individual needs of our clients and co-counsel. Together, we give our clients a better understanding of how to achieve their goals in civil litigation in the Eastern District of Texas. We maintain a substantial trial docket, and are available to assist other firms in complex cases, which are destined for trial.